• As Faint Through Air Soft Fragrances Flow - 暗香依旧
  • As Faint Through Air Soft Fragrances Flow - 暗香依旧
  • As Faint Through Air Soft Fragrances Flow - 暗香依旧
  • As Faint Through Air Soft Fragrances Flow - 暗香依旧
  • As Faint Through Air Soft Fragrances Flow - 暗香依旧
  • As Faint Through Air Soft Fragrances Flow - 暗香依旧

As Faint Through Air Soft Fragrances Flow - 暗香依旧

An anklet private customized by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio for the client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款脚链。

The plum blossom is regarded as one of the "Three Friends of Winter". The blossoms are so treasured because they are blooming most vibrantly amidst the winter snow, exuding an ethereal elegance while their fragrance is noticed to still subtly pervade the air at even the coldest times of the year. - 梅花,岁寒三君子之一。不惧严寒,傲然独放,凌寒独开,暗香沁人。

The anklet boasts a plum blossom as a gift to herself who has been pursuing values of virtue. From now on, she will stride with a more determined step toward the place in the sun. - 以梅花作为元素设计成一条脚链,送给追求高贵品格的自己,从此脚步更加坚定。

All 18K gold, handmade. - 全部18K金,手工制作。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子