• Ancient Gold - 古·金
  • Ancient Gold - 古·金
  • Ancient Gold - 古·金
  • Ancient Gold - 古·金
  • Ancient Gold - 古·金
  • Ancient Gold - 古·金
  • Ancient Gold - 古·金
  • Ancient Gold - 古·金
  • Ancient Gold - 古·金
  • Ancient Gold - 古·金
  • Ancient Gold - 古·金
  • Ancient Gold - 古·金

Ancient Gold - 古·金

Aurumspeak Design Studio has created a custom-designed pendant exclusively for a client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款吊坠。

The client had an ancient agate bead that was damaged and wanted us to repair it so she could string it into a bracelet for wearing. - 客人有一枚古老的玛瑙珠,已经破损,希望我们可以为她修复好以便自己穿成手串佩戴。

The agate bead’s surface is smooth and lustrous, but the damage was quite severe. The designer used gold to mend this flaw, shaping it in a way that is simple yet not cumbersome, solid yet not heavy. - 玛瑙珠的表面光滑润泽,但是残缺的有些严重,设计师用黄金弥补了这一缺憾,随形而不繁琐,坚固而不厚重。

The surface of the gold was inspired by the natural effect of meerschaum, with the irregular appearance naturally formed within being handcrafted into the gold structure, making it look as if it were born that way. - 黄金的表面借鉴了海泡石的天然效果,内部生长出的不规则外观经由手工打造置换到黄金的结构,宛若天成。

The hole in the agate bead was gently covered with gold, making it easier for the client to string it into a piece of jewelry that suited her. - 玛瑙珠本身的孔也由黄金轻柔覆盖,更方便客人将其穿成适合自己的配饰。

The pendant is handcrafted from 18K gold, with the agate bead provided by the client. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。玛瑙珠由客人提供。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子