A poem - 一首诗
At the early stage of discussing, she gave us a poem, the kind of poem with deep artistic concepts. - 最初沟通的时候,她给了我们一首诗,意境深远的那种。
In the poem, a plenty components are included: a raining night on Jiuhua Mountain, umbrellas, street lights, the view of the back, an empty square, dancing... - 诗中出现了很多的元素:九华山的雨夜,伞,街灯,背影,空无一人的广场,翩然起舞......
Our designers took a long time for configuring how to recreate what the poem wants to tell and how to make him understand the customer's feeling from the design? - 我们和设计师一起思考了良久,究竟一个怎样的设计才可以表达这首诗想要表达的感受,才能让他感受到她的心意?
All the emotions are kept together, that the more withholding takes, the more unstoppable and stronger her feeling is. - 柔肠百转,愈是含蓄的隐忍,愈是不可抑制的汹涌澎湃。
The love is so deep, even though the relationship is hard, she will never give up.The front of the pendant is 9 steps of stairs, representing no matter how hard it going to be, she will keep fighting, because she believes there will be an end soon, with happiness awaiting. - 爱已深,爱的路似乎有些难走。无论如何,永不回头。吊坠正面交错起伏着9层台阶,路再难,坚持走下去,总有尽头,幸福已不远。
The love is so strong, not only in this life but also in the eternality, that her love will never fade.The back design of the pendant represents that both love and life are infinite. - 爱太浓,今生今世,永生永世,不熄灭。吊坠背面,爱与人生,都无极限。
Right now, this necklace has been worn on his neck, that her feeling already reached to his heart through his skin from the necklace. - 此刻这项链应该已经戴在了他的胸口,她的心意,渗透了皮肤,浸入他的内心。
Wish all the love can success and last, and all the wishes can come true. - 惟愿所有的爱都美满,所有的心都如愿。
The pendant design was made with two types of gold, pairing the Aurumspeak #3 chain. - 吊坠部分采用双金设计,搭配丈四笔3号素链。