• A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针
  • A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针
  • A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针
  • A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针
  • A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针
  • A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针
  • A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针
  • A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针
  • A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针
  • A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针
  • A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针
  • A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针

A Mum's Wishes for Herself/Milk Teeth Brooch - 妈妈给自己的祝福/乳牙胸针

A private customized brooch designed by the Aurum Speak Jewelry Design Studio for the client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款胸针。

The mother who had shown her best wishes for her baby girl last time wanted to have a brooch designed with two baby teeth of her daughter as an inspirational gift for herself. - 上一篇给女儿最好的祝福的妈妈,保留了女儿的两颗乳牙,现在要用它们制作成一枚胸针送给自己,鼓励自己。

This great mother said: "I can't seem to stick with anything except for loving and taking care of my daughter." She spent four years away from the workforce to look after her daughter until the girl turned 18. - 一个伟大的母亲,她说,“我从小到大好像没有一件事情是能完整坚持到底的,除了对女儿这件事例外”。离职四年全身心陪伴女儿,直至她的18岁。

The mother gives up so much so that her child can have so much. And she regrets nothing, she savored every minute of those years. - 孩子的成长,母亲的付出,即使自己的人生有些许缺失,却依然心甘情愿的投入了一切。

The mother can get on with her work after a break as her child is grown. The sparkly brooch holds her daughter's initials and baby teeth on the side in a font making it a statement piece that evokes a deep-rooted sense of warmth and happiness in the heart. - 孩子长大了,母亲终于可以开心努力的继续做自己的事了。佩戴着这枚融入了女儿的名字、用女儿的乳牙设计成的胸针,幸福而温暖。

All 18K gold, handmade. The baby teeth are provided by the client. - 全部18K金,手工制作。乳牙由客人提供。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子

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