• A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天
  • A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天

A flying dragon in the sky - 飞龙在天

Aurumspeak Design Studio has created a custom-designed pendant exclusively for clients. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款吊坠。

The client’s jade dragon pendant was accidentally broken, and she hoped our designer could repair it while preserving its original form as much as possible. - 客人的一枚玉龙坠不小心断裂了,希望我们的设计师可以为她修复,尽可能保持原有的姿态。

Both the dragon and gold are symbols of nobility. Using gold to repair the jade dragon enhances its beauty, creating a harmonious blend of elegance. - 龙与黄金都是尊贵的象征,用黄金来修复玉龙,相得益彰,交映成辉。

The gold lines perfectly match the dragon's body and securely connect the broken parts without affecting the overall silhouette, as if draping the jade dragon in a sacred suit of golden armor. - 契合龙身的黄金线条,将断裂的部分稳固连接,又不会影响整体的轮廓,如黄金铠甲般为这条玉龙披上了神圣的战衣。

The client was very satisfied when she received it, saying that her jade dragon now has a golden battle armor and will be invincible from this point on! - 客人收到后非常满意,她说她的玉龙从此有了黄金战衣,必将战无不胜!

The pendant is handcrafted from 18K gold, with the jade dragon provided by the client. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。玉龙坠由客人提供。