• 100 Days of Bliss - 幸福快乐的100天
  • 100 Days of Bliss - 幸福快乐的100天
  • 100 Days of Bliss - 幸福快乐的100天
  • 100 Days of Bliss - 幸福快乐的100天
  • 100 Days of Bliss - 幸福快乐的100天
  • 100 Days of Bliss - 幸福快乐的100天
  • 100 Days of Bliss - 幸福快乐的100天
  • 100 Days of Bliss - 幸福快乐的100天
  • 100 Days of Bliss - 幸福快乐的100天

100 Days of Bliss - 幸福快乐的100天

AurumSpeak Design Studio presents an exclusive custom made necklace, crafted with utmost care for a special client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

This enchanting necklace holds a profound significance as a gift exchanged between adoring partners. A young gentleman ardently seeks to customize a bespoke necklace, commemorating 100 days of treasured memories with the girl he met, understood, and adores a momentous celebration of their love's journey. - 这是一件情侣间的礼物,男孩儿要订制一条项链送给与他相识、相知、相爱100天的女孩儿,美好的纪念。

Intricately selected, a single character from each of their names intertwines with the essence of the momentous 100 days anniversary, artfully drawn within delicate circles, gifting them a delightful surprise. - 选取了彼此名字各一个字以及重要的100天的元素,设计师用画出的文字和圆圈儿缠绕,给了他们美好的惊喜。

With elegantly hollowed out Chinese characters, a double-sided structure, and a captivating three dimensional effect, the necklace exudes an aura of effortless sophistication, embracing the spirit of freedom and grace. Discreetly placed openings reveal a secret emblem of their exclusive love, cherished from every angle. - 镂空的汉字,双面的结构,立体的效果,轻松自在拒绝死板,前后都可看到留白的气口,这是专属他们爱情的秘密。

Countless more milestones await on their journey ahead, and we fervently wish for their love to flourish, forever basking in joy. - 未来还有无数个100天,希望他们能一直相爱,幸福!

The pendant is crafted in 24K yellow gold, paired with an 18K yellow gold chain from AurumSpeak. Handmade. - 吊坠24K黄金,搭配丈四笔18K黄金素链,手工制作。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子