• With the Stream We're Going - 随波·逐·流
  • With the Stream We're Going - 随波·逐·流
  • With the Stream We're Going - 随波·逐·流
  • With the Stream We're Going - 随波·逐·流
  • With the Stream We're Going - 随波·逐·流
  • With the Stream We're Going - 随波·逐·流
  • With the Stream We're Going - 随波·逐·流

With the Stream We're Going - 随波·逐·流

A private customized necklace designed by AurumSpeak Jewellery Design Studio for the customer. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

Casual, free-wheeling, following the heart, every seemingly laid-back moment is of brilliance. - 随意,随行,随心,看似不经意的瞬间的流光溢彩。

As the water waves are calm, the water surface at sunset is covered with golden light which is slowly, from near to far, disappearing. - 如水波般平静,夕阳西下的水面洒满了金色的光,慢慢的,由近及远,消失不见。

The necklace features two kinds of gold and is handmade. The gemstone is provided by the customer. - 双金设计,手工制作。宝石由客人提供。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子

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