Blossoms in Full Splendor (Part One) - 繁花似锦 I
AurumSpeak Design Studio presents an exclusive custom-made ring, specially crafted for our esteemed client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款戒指。
In our privileged sanctuary, a treasured client presented a vintage ring adorned with Hetian jade, yearning to witness its metamorphosis into a bespoke masterpiece an exquisite embodiment of her unique essence. - 客人有一枚和田玉镶嵌的老戒指,想要重新设计成一枚更加适合自己的独一无二的戒指。
Within the intricate jade patterns lies the spirit of magnolia blossoms, resonating profoundly with her heart. Eager to embrace the symbolism, she sought to infuse two meaningful characters that hold the key to her soul. - 和田玉本身带有玉兰花的纹路结构,她希望整个戒指充分体现玉兰花的元素和对她非常有意义的两个字
Crafted with a masterful hand, the ring flourishes with delicately rendered lines, blossoming flowers in eternal celebration. Subtle engravings lay hidden, revealing the profound wisdom of life's journey, while the airy pierced ring whispers sweet intimacy with each fragrant petal. - 清晰简洁的线条诠释盛开的花朵,隐秘的位置镌刻人生的启迪,镂空的指环每一瓣都是芬芳的亲密。
The ring is handmade and features two kinds of gold. The jade is provided by the client. - 戒指采用双金设计,手工制作。玉石由客人提供。
Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子