Independent Curators: Chen Kun, Chun Xiao, Feng Jia - 策展人:陈坤 春晓 冯佳
Special Thanks to: Ms. Lan Fang, Ms. Dong Yi - 特别感谢:兰芳女士,Dong Yi女士
Presented by: Aurum Speak Design Studio - 出品:丈四笔金饰设计工作室
Art Consultant: Cui Dan - 艺术顾问:崔丹
Art Director: Feng Jia - 艺术总监:冯佳
Art Director Assistants: Chen Fei, Zhang Zhaoming - 艺术总监助理:陈菲 张肇明
Set Designers: Fu Dong, Feng Jia - 装置设计:傅鸫 冯佳
Set Designer Assistant: Rex - 装置设计助理:Rex
Audio Designer: Qian Tiantian - 音频设计:钱添添
Audio Planner: Gu Pinghu - 音频策划:谷平湖
Photograph by: Li Qi - 图片摄影:李奇
Organizer: Triumph Art Space - 承办:艺·凯旋艺术空间
The Aurumspeak Design Studio follows the traditional Chinese artisan workshop model, with one craftsman and one shop. There are no branch stores, and the setup is simple: a front store with a workshop in the back, where customers can watch the designer personally create jewelry. Each piece is made with care, sometimes through casting, and always with slow, detailed craftsmanship. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室秉承中国传统手工作坊形式,一匠一铺。拒绝开设分店经营,前店后厂,贵客可随时观看设计师亲自制作饰品,部分配合浇筑制作,慢工细磨而使其精致。
"I’ve loved working with my hands since I was a child," I said. "I used to take apart and reassemble everything at home, from watches and glasses to furniture and appliances. That passion never faded as I grew up. When I’m focused on creating, time seems to vanish, and I feel a sense of peace and freedom. - “我”说,“从小自己就是个热爱手工的小孩儿,喜欢拆卸重组家里的任何东西,这个习惯到长大成人也一直没有改变。小到手表、眼镜,大至家具、电器。当沉浸在这过程中时,从不觉得世界有时间存在,那份安静与封闭是极度自由的天地。
At one point, I tried stage design, but it required too much reliance on others, which didn’t satisfy me. After three years of thought, and with support from loved ones, I opened this studio, which I named The Aurumspeak. - 于是曾选择过舞台美术设计,但总觉得其要依赖他人才能完成的性质难以满足自己的心界,突然一个想法绕梁三年之久,最终因为单身母亲的角色与两位挚亲落成了现在的工作室,我称它为丈四笔。
I started the studio to support my family, but I never intended to make a fortune. It’s enough to live comfortably with my child. My main hope is to inspire others to appreciate handmade craftsmanship. If I can help restore even a little respect for it, I’d be proud. - 绝对有养家糊口的原因,但没有想过靠它成就大业、家财万贯,与孩子过得自在足够。剩下的,只单纯的希望自己能够让更多的人看到手工并且逐渐重新尊重手工,哪怕多年过后如果能成就为恢复一点一滴手工业的垫脚石,都是件令人鼓舞的事情。

When you enter this world, you quickly realize how little you know. The thrill of facing the unknown is indescribable it stimulates the mind, the heart, and expands your desire to learn. Since I started my career, I’ve been eager to pick up new skills. I was fortunate to find my current lifestyle: balancing work and study with great joy. - 当人进入这片天地时才会觉得自己所知甚少,面对这片未知世界时的兴奋难以言表,它刺激头脑,刺激心脏,也不断的扩大人的胃口。从成业以来便开始贪婪的妄求更多的技能,有些要学,有些必须了解。于是很幸运的,找到了现在的生活方式,半工半学,其乐无比。
I’ve also been lucky to meet wonderful mentors and friends, who have generously shared their expertise. I always keep "humility" in mind, knowing that this path takes a lifetime to walk. - 很好的是,遇见良师益友,总可以像作弊考试成功的孩子一样被师父们器重并喜爱,不断受师点拨学艺精髓,有时自己甚至为这份幸运而羞涩。
This exhibition has been challenging, and I welcome feedback from my mentors and peers. I am grateful to everyone who has helped The Aurumspeak, especially our guests over the past year, whom I call "The Aurumspeak people." I hope this family continues to grow, as my joy comes from their support and passion. - 不会忘了‘虚心’二字会长记在心里,路要慢慢走,尤其是一条需要用一生来自己修砌的路。这次所做的展览有些吃力,不足之处望师友批评指点,参与进来帮助丈四笔的人都感恩于心,包括这一年来的每一位贵客,妄自称呼他们为:丈四笔人。真心希望丈四笔人越来越多,因为我的快乐,明确的吸取自所有丈四笔人的帮助与热爱。
Thank you all. - 感恩。