• Jellyfish - aurumspeak
  • Jellyfish - aurumspeak
  • Jellyfish - aurumspeak
  • Jellyfish - aurumspeak

Jellyfish - 水母


The Aurumspeak design studio solely designed this exclusive necklace. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室单独设计的专属项链。

"Jellyfish can survive no matter in tropical water, shallow water, deep water or even freshwater area. As early as 650 million years ago, jellyfish has already been found on this planet. Their emergence is probably even earlier than dinosaurs." Now, the pendant of this Aurumspeak designer exclusive necklace has become the logo of our franchise in Thailand Ko Sumai, Aurum Kinetic Thai Scuba Diving. - “水母,无论是热带温带的水域,浅水区,约百米深的海洋,甚至是淡水区都有它们的影踪。早在六亿五千万年前就存在这个星球,它们的出现甚至比恐龙还早。”而此刻,这是专属丈四笔设计师的项链,也是我们位于泰国苏梅岛的兄弟单位Aurum Kinetic Thai Scuba Diving的标志。

Please protect our water and sea life. - 珍惜水资源,珍爱水中生物。

The whole necklace was handmade in 18K gold and paired with Aurumspeak #2 chain. - 全部18K金,搭配丈四笔2号素链。