The warmth of the jade - 暖·玉
The Aurumspeak design studio designed this privately customized pendant for the customer individually. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款金镶玉配饰。
"The autumn blast drives the white scud in the sky, Leaves fade and wild geese sweeping south meet the eyes." As the golden leaves falling in the wind, the antique jade is worn with the time passing, which only left the warm, gentle essence to shine, as the saying "The nature of the jewel, makes it strong". - “秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归。”风吹黄叶飘落,一枚破损的汉代古玉,感受温暖的包围,闪亮的温润,美好如初。“金玉有本质,焉能不坚强”。
The gold wrapper was fully handmade and partially made of 18K gold. The jade was provided by the customer. - 包金部分18K金,手工制作。古玉由客人提供。