• Ten Years - 十年 - aurumspeak
  • Ten Years - 十年 - aurumspeak
  • Ten Years - 十年 - aurumspeak
  • Ten Years - 十年 - aurumspeak
  • Ten Years - 十年 - aurumspeak
  • Ten Years - 十年 - aurumspeak
  • Ten Years - 十年 - aurumspeak
  • Ten Years - 十年 - aurumspeak

Ten Years - 十年


Ten years ago, the happiness knocked his door. He put the ring on her finger. Ten years later, the couple were still madly in love and decided to take off the ring, and making a new one for her. The code is their anniversary and the love for each other. The diamond was put to the inside face of the ring, just like their love deeply holding in their heart, no need to tell and show. - 十年前,幸福来敲门,他为她套上了一枚钻戒。十年后,依然相爱相伴相守的他们决定将钻石取下,重新做一枚专属她的戒指。密码是专属他们的纪念日,是深存彼此心中的爱。钻石转为低调的内置,真正的爱,是深邃的,不需要炫耀。

At the same time, she ordered a necklace for him, with a black diamond, exclusive and sophisticated, as his love for her. The pendant of the necklace has a special outline design based on his name, same as the pattern on the ring was designed based on hers. Different angles give different effects like different time forms different way of love. The ring and pendant can be put together into one, symbolizing the uniting of the couple, inseparable. - 同时为他订制了一条专属他的项链,黑钻的独特与深沉,正如他对她的爱。吊坠独特的轮廓隐藏了他的名字,正如指环的线条其实正是她的意义所在。不同的角度,有不同的感受,不同的时间,有不同深度的爱。戒指与项链吊坠可以彼此扣合,两个人在一起,心心相印,你中有我,我中有你,大概就是如此吧。

Both products were made in two types of gold, representing the pair of the lover. - 都采用了双金的设计,双双对对,恩爱有加。

We wish them another round of happy ten years, and then another. - 愿他们共同度过一个又一个十年,永不分离。

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