• Happy Adulthood - 成年快乐
  • Happy Adulthood - 成年快乐
  • Happy Adulthood - 成年快乐
  • Happy Adulthood - 成年快乐
  • Happy Adulthood - 成年快乐
  • Happy Adulthood - 成年快乐
  • Happy Adulthood - 成年快乐
  • Happy Adulthood - 成年快乐
  • Happy Adulthood - 成年快乐

Happy Adulthood - 成年快乐

Aurumspeak Design Studio custom-designed earrings. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室特别设计的私人订制款耳环。

This is a gift from a mother to her youngest daughter, with no other reason than that it suits her and she will like it. That's enough. - 这是妈妈送给自己小女儿的礼物,没有任何其他原因,适合她、她会喜欢,这就已经足够。

She is a tall and slim girl, with a sweet and delicate appearance, quirky personality, and outstanding academic performance. She just celebrated her 18th birthday a few days ago—welcome to adulthood. - 她是一个瘦瘦高高、外表清秀甜美、性格古灵精怪、学业称霸一方的神奇的小女孩儿,前几天刚刚过完她的18周岁生日,欢迎来到成人的世界。

The entire earring features a layered, three-dimensional design, intricately arranged up and down, left and right. The surfaces are set with scattered diamonds, avoiding monotony and ensuring a sparkle from every angle, making them very versatile and cute, just like how everyone sees her. - 整个耳环采用了层叠立体的设计,上下左右错综复杂。碎钻镶嵌在不同的表面,既避免了单一乏味,又让闪耀无处不在,非常灵活可爱。正如所有人眼中的她。

As she begins her university life, her innocence remains, and the future is bright—everything will be as beautiful as she is! - 即将开始大学生活的小姑娘,童真依旧,未来可期,一切皆会如她般美好!

The earrings are entirely handmade using 18K gold. Aurumspeak provides the diamonds. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。碎钻由丈四笔提供。

Design by:@fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子

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