Divine Devotion - 美好的虔诚
AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio unveils a bespoke necklace pendant, crafted exclusively for a cherished client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链吊坠。
Driven by profound faith, the client sought a unique pendant case to house two cherished rubies, a symbol of her unwavering devotion. - 客人有两颗红宝石,希望订制一个独一无二的项链吊坠小盒子,满载她的信仰。
Inspired by the client's deep connection to Buddhism, our designer crafted an extraordinary pendant reminiscent of a traditional Ghau box, a testament to her spiritual beliefs. - 客人是虔诚的佛教徒,契合她的信仰,设计师特别设计了这样一个类似嘎乌盒的与众不同的吊坠。
Infusing elements of the four auspicious flowers of Buddhism, our designer meticulously hand-drew a unique floral motif, seamlessly integrating the rubies into its design. - 结合佛教四大吉花,设计师手绘出这独特的花朵造型,并将红宝石融为一体般镶嵌其中。
Subsequently, our client commissioned an AurumSpeak 18K gold chain to complement the dazzling pendant. Alternatively, the pendant is sometimes suspended from a treasured Tibetan cord, worn close to her heart. - 客人后来又定制了丈四笔18K金素链与之搭配成一条炫目的项链,有时候也会用自己的藏式素绳将它垂挂在心口。
The pendant is handcrafted with a dual-gold design. The rubies are provided by our client. - 吊坠整体采用双金设计,手工制作。红宝石由客人提供。
Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子