• Center of the World - 世界的中心
  • Center of the World - 世界的中心
  • Center of the World - 世界的中心
  • Center of the World - 世界的中心
  • Center of the World - 世界的中心
  • Center of the World - 世界的中心
  • Center of the World - 世界的中心
  • Center of the World - 世界的中心
  • Center of the World - 世界的中心
  • Center of the World - 世界的中心
  • Center of the World - 世界的中心

Center of the World - 世界的中心

AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio creates individually designed custom necklaces for a cherished client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

This is a gift from a father to his daughter. A piece of ancient red jade – the father's choice for his daughter. However, the jade was previously hung on a simple cord, and its outdated appearance made the daughter reluctant to wear it. - 这是一位父亲送给自己女儿的礼物。一枚古老的红玉,爸爸想送给女儿,但是之前这枚红玉是挂在一根绳子上,老气横秋的效果让女儿一直拒绝佩戴。

From the mind of a designer, a friend to the father and keen observer of his daughter's avant-garde style, emerged a design masterpiece — an epitome of the fusion of boundless imagination and sophistication. - 这位父亲是设计师的朋友,设计师非常了解他的女儿是一个时尚前卫的女孩儿。于是就有了这样一个天马行空的设计。

The red jade, symbolizing a spaceship, is elevated at the center, with no additional embellishments around it. This design exposes the entire outer edge of the jade, enhancing its overall translucency and showcasing the smooth edges and quality of the stone without any restraint. - 红玉作为飞船的中心全身腾空,而周边不做任何镶嵌,让整个玉石的外缘一览无遗,增强了整体的透光度,毫无保留展现了玉石润滑的边缘和品质。

This overall suspended design exudes a strong sense of modernity. We believe the daughter, the father's most precious treasure, will no longer refuse such a beautiful gift a testament to the father's profound love. - 这样整体架空的设计,强烈的现代感冲击,相信爸爸最宝贵的女儿不会再拒绝这样一件美好的礼物,爸爸最深沉的爱。

All 18K yellow gold. Handmade. The jade is provided by the client. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。玉石由客人提供。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子

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