Blossoms in Full Splendor (Part Three) - 繁花似锦(三)
The AurumSpeak Design Studio is delighted to present an exclusively designed necklace tailored for our cherished client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。
Once more, we find ourselves with the same young woman, this time adorned with a Hetian jade pendant, eager to transform it into a truly one-of-a-kind necklace that harmonizes seamlessly with her individuality. - 还是那个女孩儿,她还有一件和田玉镶嵌的吊坠,想要重新设计成一条更加适合自己的独一无二的项链。
The Hetian jade itself gracefully emulates the patterns of auspicious clouds, and she envisions the entire necklace radiating the essence of good fortune, mirroring the sentiment behind her name as she steps into life's journey, guided by these fortunate clouds. - 这块和田玉本身带有祥云的纹路,她希望整条项链充分体现吉祥如意和她自己的名字,踩着祥云而来的幸运的姑娘。
With elegantly delicate lines, carefully following the natural patterns of the jade, the golden clouds shimmer with brilliance, akin to the sun's warm embrace, symbolizing heartfelt warmth. - 柔美精致的线条,紧密贴合玉石本身原有的纹路,黄金打造的祥云,是阳光投下的光辉,是内心最真挚的温暖。
Her name softly murmurs at the side, offering wishes for a life filled with enduring good fortune and boundless happiness. - 她的名字,清晰的低吟在侧,愿她的人生吉祥如意,幸福圆满。
All 18K yellow gold. Handcrafted. The jade stone is provided by our client. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。玉石由客人提供。
Design by: @fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子