• A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安
  • A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安

A Lifetime of Tranquility - 转一世平安

AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio presents a personally tailored necklace, crafted exclusively for a discerning client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款项链。

A discerning client cherished a Dzi Bead (heaven’s bead), a symbol of deep personal significance. Previously, it had been strung on a simple cord, but the client yearned for a more refined and aesthetically pleasing presentation. - 客人有一枚非常喜欢且意义珍贵的天珠,之前是穿绳子佩戴,总觉得不够美观,希望设计师能为她改造一下做成一条独一无二的项链。

The client, a tall and striking lady with a keen eye for unique design, sought a necklace that would reflect her independent spirit and impeccable taste. - 这是一位身材高挑非常有个性的女性,在审美的追求上特立独行,不喜欢随波逐流。

The bead's delicate nature demanded a setting that would protect and enhance its beauty without overpowering its inherent charm. The designer, renowned for their innovative approach to jewelry creation, eschewed traditional claw settings in favor of a novel bezel setting. This ingenious design gently enveloped the bead, allowing it to rotate freely along a slender golden axis. - 天珠的材质非常柔软,所以不能用硬力镶嵌。于是设计师杜绝了爪镶而采用包裹的方式来镶嵌,又在中间做了一条金线轴,这样在佩戴的时候可以360度随意转动。

To further elevate the necklace's visual appeal, the designer incorporated abstract water-inspired motifs, arranged to create a sense of playful movement. These elements harmonized perfectly with the client's vivacious personality, resulting in a truly bespoke creation that captured the essence of both the bead's sacred history and the client's discerning taste. - 左右两边采用了抽象的水气泡的形式来进行点缀,整个项链看起来活泼可爱,也适合主人的气质。

All 18K yellow gold. Handmade. The Dzi bead is provided by the client. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。天珠由客人提供。

Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子

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