• A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云
  • A Dash of Cloud - 剪   云

A Dash of Cloud - 剪 云

The AurumSpeak Jewelry Design Studio presents a one-of-a-kind custom ring, meticulously crafted for a discerning client. - 丈四笔金饰设计工作室为客人单独设计的私人订制款戒指。

In possession of a mesmerizing jade, our client envisioned crafting a ring that would exude stunning artistry. As a distinguished haute couture woodwork designer, she sought a design that would leave a lasting impression. - 客人有一枚玉石,想要设计成戒指送给自己。她是一位高定木作设计师,希望戒指能有令人惊艳的设计感。

The jade, possessing a transcendent luminosity reminiscent of drifting clouds, served as our muse. We chose to accentuate its beauty with a design marked by striking contrasts and bold geometry. - 这枚玉石,晶莹空灵,内里又像云彩一样仙雾缭绕,感觉非常柔和。设计师选用了视觉效果激烈冲突的三角形作为整体的设计。

Sharp-angled triangles take center stage, gracefully performing the roles of setting and band. Their synergy creates a harmonious interplay of tension and relaxation, much like an intricate dance. This design, reminiscent of cutting-edge technology, captivates the eye at every angle. - 锐角三角形承担了所有的镶嵌和包裹以及整个指圈,舒缓与紧凑张弛有度,拼接起来像是复合的倒影,充满科技色彩。

Imagine casting a triangle into the scene, freezing each frame in time, creating a mesmerizing echo around the finger. - 就像是将一个三角形扔出去,画面的每一帧都在定格,如回声环绕着手指。

On the reverse side, we've maximized negative space to enhance the stone's translucency, creating a sense of clarity and brilliance. Furthermore, each triangle undergoes a gentle treatment to ensure a comfortable fit, preventing any irritation to the wearer's skin. - 玉石背面最大限度的留白看起来更加晶莹剔透,每一个三角形进行过柔和处理后确保不会划伤皮肤,佩戴舒适。

All 18K yellow gold. Handcrafted. The jade is provided by our client. - 全部18K黄金,手工制作。玉石由客人提供。

Design by: @fengjijiaa - Design by:@冯大佳子

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