• Gibeon meteorite brooch - 维斯台登陨石胸针 - aurumspeak
  • Gibeon meteorite brooch - 维斯台登陨石胸针 - aurumspeak
  • Gibeon meteorite brooch - 维斯台登陨石胸针 - aurumspeak
  • Gibeon meteorite brooch - 维斯台登陨石胸针 - aurumspeak
  • Gibeon meteorite brooch - 维斯台登陨石胸针 - aurumspeak

Gibeon meteorite brooch - 维斯台登陨石胸针

Regular price $2,300.00
Meteorite, also known as a comet, is a gift from the mysterious universe. The combination of gold and meteorites is a gift we present to you. - 陨石,也称陨星,来自神秘宇宙的礼物。而黄金与陨石的结合,是我们呈现给大家的礼物。
Gibeon meteorite brooch. The special structure is called Widmanstätten structure, the formation of which can only take place during very slow cooling, about 1°C every million years, a pattern of fashion colliding with quaint. You would know all the good that a simple brooch can do. All 18K gold. - 维斯台登陨石胸针。每一百万年冷却一度形成的特殊结构,时尚与古朴碰撞的花纹。饰于胸前,冷暖自知。全部18K金。
All jewelry is handmade. Please contact our customer service for details. - 手工制作,详情请咨询客服。
Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子