• Chalcedony ammonite brooch - 玉化螺化石胸针 - aurumspeak
  • Chalcedony ammonite brooch - 玉化螺化石胸针 - aurumspeak
  • Chalcedony ammonite brooch - 玉化螺化石胸针 - aurumspeak
  • Chalcedony ammonite brooch - 玉化螺化石胸针 - aurumspeak
  • Chalcedony ammonite brooch - 玉化螺化石胸针 - aurumspeak

Chalcedony ammonite brooch - 玉化螺化石胸针

Regular price $3,843.00
It is generally agreed that the dividing line of Biology is 10,000 years ago. The organisms living before 10,000 years ago are paleontological species, and those living after 10,000 years ago are neontological species. Fossils are the seeds of the earth 10,000 years ago that evolved in the outside circumstances. - 生物分界一般以一万年前为界限,一万年前的生物为古生物,一万年前以后的为现生生物。化石,是经过外界演变的一万年前的地球的种子。
Chalcedony ammonite brooch. They are similar in shape yet distinct. There is no such thing as two identical leaves in the world, nor two identical stones. All 18K gold. - 玉化螺化石胸针。形似而不一致。世界上没有两片相同的树叶,也没有两块相同的石头。全部18K金。
All jewelry is handmade. Please contact our customer service for details. - 手工制作,详情请咨询客服。
Design by:@Jia Feng - Design by:@冯大佳子