• Thank you for marring me - 谢谢你嫁给了我 - aurumspeak
  • Thank you for marring me - 谢谢你嫁给了我 - aurumspeak
  • Thank you for marring me - 谢谢你嫁给了我 - aurumspeak
  • Thank you for marring me - 谢谢你嫁给了我 - aurumspeak
  • Thank you for marring me - 谢谢你嫁给了我 - aurumspeak

Thank you for marring me - 谢谢你嫁给了我


The gentleman, who spent two years to prepare the gift for his wife’s 40th birthday, gave us their ruby stone wedding ring after our designer customized their yellow diamond necklace. He wants us to remove the ruby and redesign the ring to fit his wife style. - 那位用了两年心血为自己的妻子准备40岁生日礼物的先生,在收到我们的设计师精心为他们设计的黄钻项链后,又把他当年求婚的红宝石戒指交到我们手中,委托我们把红宝石取下,重新设计制作一枚真正美丽的个性的适合他妻子的戒指。

“This ring is not my wife’s style and she never wears it. I hope AurumSpeak can help me to refine the design so she will have it one every day.” - “可能是这个戒指太丑了,我的妻子从来不戴它。我希望你们重新设计一下,以后的每一天我都希望看到我的妻子戴着我送她的戒指。”

Simple, unique, and low-key, just like his love to his wife. Here again, we surprised him. When this ring went back on the wife’s finger, she felt the greatest love from him. Being together for a long time, since the day they married, everything turned brighter. - 简单,独特,低调,正如这位妻子在他先生心中一样。再一次我们没有让他们失望。当这枚戒指重新套上她的手指,承载的满是他深深的爱。生活如此,相伴多年,从你答应嫁给我的那一刻起,世界变得更加美好。

Thank you for marrying me. No more request, but trust. AurumSpeak is supposed to accompany the love. - 谢谢你嫁给了我。没有过多的要求,感谢如此的信任。丈四笔心愿成就诸如这样的各种美好。

Made of 18K gold, 100% handmade. Match with #2 chain. The client provides the ruby. - 全部18K金,手工制作。红宝石由客人提供。